Terms and conditions of sale

Terms and conditions of sale

© 2021  Stainless and Aluminium Services Ltd.
All Rights Reserved.
Company Registration Number 09119272
Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Stainless and Aluminium Services Ltd terms and conditions of sale

Delivery charges and estimated delivery timescales will be quoted when you place an enquiry/order. We make every effort to deliver goods within the estimated timescales; however, delays are occasionally inevitable due to unforeseen factors. Stainless and Aluminium Services shall be under no liability for any delay or failure to deliver the products within estimated delivery times. Proof of dispatch can be given to customers if they require it. We cannot take responsibility for third party contractors.

Pricing & payment

Payment can be made by any method specified in the sales call. We accept most credit and debit cards. You may also pay by cheque. The order will not be processed until we have received your payment. Full details of where to send your cheque will be shown on our contacts page. Cheques should be made payable to “Stainless and Aluminium Services Ltd”. You may also pay by direct bank transfer by arrangement.

Data protection

Stainless and Aluminium Services do not keep any financial information about your company; once payment has been confirmed, it is destroyed.

In accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, the information given by you at the time of placing the order is used:

To administer your account and help process your order.

We will only contact you by telephone if there is a query regarding your order.

If you have any concerns regarding any details we may hold about you, please contact us.

We do not pass on your information to any third parties. All company information is solely used for Stainless and Aluminium Services in helping to process your account.


We offer a 7 day money back guarantee. Some products are excluded from the guarantee, i.e. material that is cut, already dispatched, or of special ordering from suppliers for you.

Faulty or damaged goods will be refunded or replaced free of charge on a next day delivery subject to availability. Refunds will be made within 30 days.

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